Thoughts from Inner Engineering

When I Lost My Sense
It has always seemed to me odd that the world does not realize the immensity of a state of “I do not know.” Those who destroy that state with beliefs and assumptions completely miss an enormous possibility — the possibility of knowing. They forget that “I do not know” is the doorway — the only doorway — to seeking and knowing.
If you really want to know spirituality, don’t look for anything. People think spirituality is about looking for God or Truth or the Ultimate. The problem is you have already defined what you are looking for. It is not the object of your search that is important, it is the faculty of looking. It’s about enhancing your perception, your very faculty of seeing.
Slowly, I began to realize that it is LIFE that is the ultimate intelligence. Human intellect is mere smartness that ensures survival. But true intelligence is just life and life — and that which is the source of life. Nothing else.
The moment I realized that Human Desire was not for any particular thing, but just to expand illimitably (limitlessly) a certain clarity rose within me.
The Way Out is In
Why do you need to be pleasant within? The answer is self-evident. When you are in a pleasant inner state, you are naturally pleasant to everyone and everything around you. The only thing that stands between you and your well-being is a simple fact: you have allowed your thoughts and emotions to take instructions from the outside rather than the inside.
If someone touches your hand right now, you may think you are experiencing their hand, but the fact of the matter is you only experiencing the sensations of your own hand. The whole experience is contained within. All human experience is one hundred percent self-created. Do not look for a way out of misery. Do not look for a way out of suffering. There is only one way — and that is in.
The foundations of peace and bliss are not about attending to the external realities of your life, but in accessing and organizing the inner nature of your being. To attain the ecstasy of borderless unity, which is our natural state, all you need to do is live by the guideline that all human experience is generated from within — either with the support of external stimuli or without. That is all. If you establish this within yourself absolutely, the consequences of your transactions will no longer be burdensome.
If you go outward, it is an endless journey. If you turn inward, it is just one moment.
In that one moment, everything changes. In that one moment, you are not in pursuit of joy anymore. Instead, your life becomes an expression of joyfulness.
Design your Destiny
Your destiny is written by you unconsciously. If you have mastery over your physical body, fifteen to twenty percent of your life and destiny will be in your hands. If you have mastery over your mind, fifty to sixty percent of your life and destiny will be in your hands. If you have mastery over your life energies, a hundred percent of your life and destiny will be in your hands.
It simply means making yourself in such a way that, whatever the events and situations around you, you don’t get crushed by them; you ride them.