Love, Peace, Kindness
This Year has taught us all many things about Life. Most of all, it has brought us closer to the people we love, and it has brought out emotions in us for the people we have seen suffering through the COVID virus.
On an organizational level, we have had to re-adjust to economic conditions and make fresh new plans for business planning keeping in mind a volatile worldwide situation.
Keeping in mind the theme of Love, Peace and Kindness, I urge you to provide suggestions to various groups around the world that you are aware of that help in the fields of:
1. Healthcare — provide assistance to official bodies that are active in helping patients. We are looking to provide regular support to either a Charity or Private organization where the funds will be used wisely.
a. Look at supporting Physical ailments of people (i.e. Cancer)
b. Look at supporting Mental ailments that people suffer from (i.e. Depression)
2. Education — provide learning tools to people across platforms of formal education as well as education towards being better humans in terms of Social Skills
a. Courses for Children
b. Courses for Adults needing to upgrade their skills
3. Food Programs — provide consistent substance to organizations that are focused on providing the best nutrition to the people that most need it. I hope we can help to make a difference in the lives of our future generations.
Looking to implement this into my organization; what do you think?