Journey to a Healthy 2021
Personal Goals

Putting this out there for everyone to create for themselves in 2021 and for the Universe to bring happiness, love, and peace to everyone!
- Food — improve diet to the maximum, go lean and cut out all possible items which can cause inflammation in the body. Be extremely cautious in what you eat.
Degree Course to be certified as a Nutritionist.
2. Meditation — improve your practice consciously on a daily basis. Engage in a minimum of 45 minutes per day, in tranches is acceptable as well.
Attend a Meditation Course for 3 Days.
3. Exercise — work on making the body lean by engaging in activities that tone the body completely. Add enjoyment to the activity by engaging in sports that are beneficial to your happiness as well as continue to do Yoga with a focus on balancing the Chakras in your body.
Play Tennis every week — join a club or find regular partners
Swimming — ensure to swim every week
4. Reading — ensure you give yourself daily reading time of a minimum of 45 minutes. Engage in physical books as well as Audiobooks daily. The best time is in the evening, or in the morning. It must be done consciously.
Books — Read a Chapter a Day
Audiobook — Listen to a Chapter a Day
5. Courses — do self-development courses either in person or online at least once every quarter. There are many options, select a minimum of 4.
Robin Sharma — complete the online Audio Course
Personal Development / Investment Strategy / Business Masters — do a course!
6. Charity — continue to donate on a regular basis to causes that are keen to you. Find a way to integrate yourself in more personal manners, work with a VC fund; be involved in the charity itself regularly.
Donate to Charity
Spend time physically assisting a Charitable Organization
7. Relationships — focus on Wife Time daily, do things together all the time, and buy nice things for her regularly. Make sure to spend at least one weekly Family event; either at home or outside where everyone is involved. Meet friends regularly, and work on developing relationships by joining similar interest groups and expand the network.
8. Work on developing Personal Brand — Journey to a Healthy Life and look at making a manifesto on platforms that can attract an audience.
Publish a Regular Blog
9. Write Every Day — keep Journaling and prepare a Story for publishing a Book within this year, be it business, health, or self-growth instructions.
Journal Regularly
Write 100 Pages of a Book