Healthy from the Inside — Chapter 1
In these times of Quarantine and Social Distancing, I thought it would be apt to start of this journey with a talk about how to remain healthy during this period of disconcerting news and a massive shift in the way of life. Let’s talk about Health, this is the #1 priority for everyone.
While health usually refers to exercise and diet; I want to bring out a discussion on the Internal health of a Human Being. The psychological impact of the situation begins with the feelings, emotions and stress that one has inside their body and mind. Finding peace within is in my opinion way more important than engaging in any other stress relieving activities. To go within oneself, to be aware of what is happening inside, allows you to change the feelings and exude happiness outwards. The stress automatically dissipates when you tap into your inner stillness.
Be the person you want to be, especially in the subconscious. There is always something within going on, a feeling or thought that might be stuck within your mind and impacting your body, that you are unaware of completely. Exuding confidence outwards as a show, or as some in the motivation industry say “Fake it till you Make it” is not a successful act unless you actually develop the confidence within first.
Here are 5 Tools you can use to improve your mental and psychological health:
1. Live in the Moment — the future is not something in your control; and the past is something that has already happened. Your reaction in the present moment is the key to happiness. This is the only moment of time one has; and you must learn to harness its full power.
2. Meditation — the absolute best way to go within yourself is to engage in a daily meditation ritual. There are many apps on your phone, many videos and sounds on YouTube that can assist in the development. Just type “Guided Meditation” or “Chakra Meditation” or “Meditation Music” and dive down the rabbit’s hole to find the one that suits your needs. Engaging for 15–20 minutes a day during the day and if possible, in the evening as well will bring your mind much clarity.
3. Solitude — just spend time being. Do nothing, put all the devices away, avoid all distractions. Try to connect with Nature; take a walk, go explore outdoors and if possible, in the wilderness. The 20–30 minutes of this connection will open a gateway to your soul as you will feel the magic of the universe in front of your senses. Touch, Smell, See, Hear and Taste the freedom of the universe.
4. Journal — try to find a nice quiet space of time in the day, preferably in the morning, to have an internal discussion with the paper. Write down your thoughts, your feelings, your reasons for anxiety, and then delve deeper into the aspect by trying to let the solutions come to you naturally. Ensure that you always start the journal with Gratitude, as what you have is already amazing.
5. Yoga — this is an amazing escape to tap into the inner workings of your body. A gentle light stretching with focus on your breath allows the body to escape from the realities of the world and focus within to ensure calmness, stillness and flexibility within the body and mind.
6. Become the Watcher of the Ego — you are not your thoughts; this is a difficult concept to understand but I would point you to “Eckhart Tolle” for a deeper comprehension. In short, the mind is always thinking of ways to drag you into a fruitless discussion about an event that may or may not happen, but it is usually 100x worse in the thought phase. You are actually the watcher of the thoughts; be the presence behind those thoughts and you will see that in the entire concept of the universe, the matter you are thinking about is a very small matter, and it’s actually the ego taking control of your emotions. With the power of the Presence behind it; you will see that the Ego is the Enemy and you are a Being full of love and light and kindness, wanting to spread it into the world.
Try to incorporate these 6 methods into your daily life for 21 days (it becomes a Habit); and you will feel that internal happiness within as you will be more grounded with your feelings, thoughts and actions. It will help you control your strong reactions to events and allow you to look at life from a deeper perspective.
I would love to hear what you guys have to say about this post; in the next series we will dive deeper into Diet improvements during this time. Love and Kindness to all of you. Be safe, Be Healthy.
Suggestions are always welcome.