Finding your Mission

Mihir Vora
2 min readOct 8, 2020


Choose your Mission Wisely

You start with the Why and the What. You rally the troops. The point is to then figure out the How together. A compelling mission is incredibly powerful to attract these troops.

Contribution is the modus operandi of Self-Transcendence. Think about a moment where you contributed to another person without expecting anything back. What did you experience?

Remember this when you wake up every day:

“Your life is not about you. Rather it’s about the lives of every single person you touch”

When you walk into a room with the intention to heal the room, when you wake up with the desire to serve the world, your problems, the negative you feel, disappears.

Know the difference between a businessperson and a real entrepreneur? Businesspeople do it for the dollars. But real entrepreneurs do it to push the human race forward.

Humanity Minus companies are businesses that exist solely for a profit motive, without adding value to the world. Humanity Plus companies, in contrast, push the human race forward. These are the companies focusing on products that promote healthy eating and living.

“Too many leaders try to be inspiring. Stop that. Instead, be inspired”

Think about it. If your focus is on being inspired yourself, you’re naturally inspiring to others. The state of inspiration is magnetic. So, take a stand in this world. Contribute to a cause. Unite with others and create positive change. Humanity needs you.

Credit for the above Vishen Lakhiani — The Buddha and the Badass



Mihir Vora
Mihir Vora

Written by Mihir Vora

An aspiring entrepreneur managing multiple businesses in Dubai. Working towards becoming a better human to myself and be of better service to humanity.

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