7 Values to live by in Life!

Living my life according to these values is the ultimate goal of Life; it required daily effort, dedication, and mindfulness to achieve them successfully;
1. Gratitude
Spend time every morning appreciating what you have;
Make a Daily Gratitude List: https://www.forbes.com/sites/amymorin/2014/11/23/7-scientifically-proven-benefits-of-gratitude-that-will-motivate-you-to-give-thanks-year-round/#327fdaea183c
Encourage your Team Members on a Daily Basis; appreciate them for their good work; use words like “Well Done”, “Thank You”. Avoid yelling at each other and passing the blame in case of errors, don’t make excuses.
2. Integrity
Doing the right thing is always the right thing! Even if it brings loss to the company or to you personally. https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/235267
Keep Promises to your colleagues and to your Customers.
3. Nurturing
Inspire those around you to work to the best of their abilities. Lead effectively to create more leaders within the organization.
4. Have a Positive Impact on the World
Be Humanity Plus in the work that you do to empower your customers, friends, and community. Your Life is not about you, it’s about the lives of every single person you touch.
5. Persevere — Never Quit!
Growth occurs when you push yourself outside your Comfort Zone; do things that you don’t enjoy but that you know are good for your development. If you want to be LEGENDARY, you should do things that only the most successful people in the world do; learn from your heroes.
6. Cooperation
An individual can only go as far forward as the team that supports him to achieve his objectives. It is supremely important that you develop Love for your co-workers and spend time understanding them and helping them become better.
7. Trust in the Universe
Enjoy yourself, Don’t treat Work as Work! Make work so that when you come to the office in the Morning you are Fired Up to do more to make your Life Meaningful.
Smile, spread Happiness, happiness is your most important goal in life. Be Positive always, cheer up and cheer others up; don’t take everything too seriously! Life is short, make it memorable. The Universe has your back.
If you live by these 7 principles, you will be a better human for it! :)